Thriving Mamas Group Coaching

10-Day Group Coaching & Community for Mamas with babies from 4-6 Months Old


You’re overwhelmed by information overload and looking for clear answers for what is going on with you, your baby and your relationships.

You want to commiserate with family members or friends with older babies but they are out of this stage. You’re ager connect with other moms going through exactly the same thing as you are.

Your baby is getting older, people have stopped checking in and you’re still feeling overwhelmed.

You’re thinking….How do I get my baby to sleep better? Are they going through a leap? They were a decent sleeper and now it’s all over the place.

You’re thinking how do I start solids?  And when? I’m so nervous to start and would love some guidance here.

You could really use a friend going through this right now. You don’t know WTF you’re doing and hoping this gets easier.

There’s a reason I chose this specific age group.

Around this time (4-6 months), your baby is going through massive changes.

On top of that, the newness of motherhood has begun to wear off. Some of us are basking in the beauty of new motherhood, while others may be frustrated and overwhelmed by sleep (or lack thereof), feeling resentful of partners, overwhelmed by information overload or just need some extra support right now. And let's be honest …maybe there’s a little bit of all of that - and that’s ok too!

What got ME through this specific phase in life was a new mama friend who had a baby the same age as mine. We were able to share stories, ask each other questions and basically go through the motions of new motherhood TOGETHER. It’s not that we wanted another person to be going through physical, mental, and emotional anguish, but it felt good knowing that we weren’t alone in our love for our babies and the sometimes uncomfortable nature of evolving from individual person to mother. This is the tribe we all deserve to have when we are going through this transitional time.


Thriving Mamas

A group program for Mamas with babies 4-6 Months, led by a Certified Postpartum Doula (PCD, DONA) and Certified Sleep Consultant (CPSM)

Thriving Mamas will help you feel heard and understood. You will…

  • Learn about variety of experiences that you will be going through within the next few months with your baby. You’ll be coached on how to best navigate the huge changes in your life.

  • Gain (and have continued access to) a Mama Community and friendships that continue way past the 10 days.

  • Feel empowered with a stronger inner voice and intuition that will guide you forward into your motherhood journey.

We asked past members…

What’s the best thing about Thriving Mamas?

“Being able to talk to other moms going through the exact same thing.”

“Amazing community - mamas to hear my complaints, concerns, questions and to support me!”

“Having the amazing support system of the other mamas in my group.”

“Ali’s open minded and accepting of all POVs and the support of other mamas (still to this day).”

“The solidarity and gaining confidence as a mom.”

“The lasting friendships and support after the group wraps up.”

Day-to-Day Schedule

Day 1: Welcome to Thriving Mamas
· Share Your Birth Story (whatever you feel comfortable with)

Day 2: Getting to Know your Baby
Take Temperament Quiz
· Learn Common Cues (Sleepy, Overtired, Hungry)
· Sample Daily Routines
· Sleep Patterns 

Day 3: Self-Care for New Moms
Materra Method
· Strategies to Prioritize Wellness

Day 4: Introducing Solids Safely
Introducing Solids – Purees and Solids or a mix

Day 5: Managing Postpartum Emotions
Baby Blues vs. PPD vs. PPA
· When to talk to a doctor

Day 6: Developmental Milestones
Discovering how to use intentional play to aid in development
· What is my baby learning at this age

Day 7: Managing Relationships
Managing partner relationships during this tough time

Day 8: Sleep Shaping and Sleep Training Techniques
Setting the foundation for sleep
· Reviewing sleep shaping, conditioning and sleep training options

Day 9: Finding Support and Building a Mom Tribe
Encouraging mom friendships throughout the group and in your community

Day 10: Setting Parenting Goals and asking questions
1:1 ZOOM with Ali to ask questions and interact with others within the group. PS - The group will stay “live” and available to you all.

The Details…

Thriving Mamas is open to moms with babies 4-6 months of age.

Community + Support + Education

What’s Included

You’ll be in a group of 10-15 Mamas (we keep it small and intimate on purpose). You’ll communicate through a free Mobile App.

Pre-recorded video lessons each day and live conversations prompted by Ali in the Group Chat. Topics include:

Unpacking birth stories

How to parent your baby based on their unique temperament (with a link to take the Baby Temperament Quiz).

Sleep Foundations and Troubleshooting

Group Supportive Sleep Training solutions

Starting solids, foods and emergency response

Perinatal Mood Disorders

Navigating partnerships + family

Infant Development overview

Breathwork, Movement and Stretching with Materra Method.

+ So much more…there’s always room for daily conversations within your group. If you have a question, you can post at any time.

Your Investment


Ready to join?


“I joined Thriving Mamas with my 6 month old twins and honestly wish I wouldn’t have waited. I am not a first-time mom and thought that I didn’t need the extra support. I was struggling along, mostly on my own, just trying to figure it out. I now have a group of mom friends having similar experiences, and so many more tools to help me. I don’t feel alone anymore and I have times where I actually feel like we are thriving rather than just surviving. If you’re on the fence, I promise you, it is worth it!

— Alyssa, October Group

I’m Ali; Certified Postpartum Doula (PCD, DONA) and Certified Sleep Consultant (CPSM) based out of St. Louis, Missouri.

In 2016, I gave birth to my first child and was consumed in the bliss and blur of new motherhood. I found myself questioning the way we are prepared, educated and supported after giving birth and beyond. Was I the only one feeling completely overwhelmed, resentful, exhausted and alone? What I came to find as a Postpartum Coach is that most of the new moms I met and talked to felt exactly like I did. There had to be a better way. I made it my mission to make motherhood even just a tiny bit easier for the new mamas. To talk about the hardships. To celebrate the love. To teach. To empower. We don’t have to just “survive” this chapter of life. We can THRIVE. And that starts, with community.

So let’s get you connected to other mamas.


“Thriving Mamas was the warm hug I needed during arguably the most difficult season I’ve ever walked through. As a functioning high-anxiety and self-proclaimed perfectionist the challenges of navigating motherhood as a FTM have felt debilitating at times. Thriving Mamas gave me 10 days of straight-forward, relevant content that I could rely on when I needed it most (no endless googling just to get contradictory answers). Ali has created such a thoughtful and purposeful program that any mama can benefit from. I couldn’t recommend this program more. Thanks for all you do! 

— Krista, February Group


Step 1:

Sign up for Thriving Mamas once your baby is in the range of 4-6 months old. You can see available months right here >

Step 2:

We will email you all about the itinerary for the 10 day period, and provide you with a link to signup for the free app: Telegram.

Step 3:

On Kick-Off Day, introduce yourself to the group (don’t worry - this is all prompted by Ali). Let the conversations roll! 


“Joining Thriving Mamas has made me a better mom and wife. I was able to gain knowledge to help me work through typical mom struggles and communicate with my husband as we navigate having our first baby together. An added bonus is having continual communication with the other mamas in the group. It is judgement free and just a fun way to connect with people going through the same things as I am! I couldn’t recommend this group enough! Thank you, Ali!”

— Katie, Group Member


  • This group was created specifically for moms and their babies in the 4-6 month range. These are moms who are exiting the fourth trimester and craving community, support and love from a postpartum and sleep expert as well as other moms going through exactly the same things.

  • Thriving Mamas will be using the app Telegram. Telegram is a messaging app with a focus on speed and security. It’s super-fast, simple and free. You can use Telegram on all your devices at the same time - your messages sync seamlessly across any number of your phones, tablets or computers. Telegram has over 500 million monthly active users and is one of the 10 most downloaded apps in the world.

  • In short, yes. Below you will find the rules regarding our Thriving Mamas text group. Please review thoroughly and agree to abiding by these rules.

    · The text thread is specifically designed to offer support, camaraderie and friendship within mamas with babies within the same age ranges. The thread will be monitored by Ali but not read at length - this is where I will send you links to videos/ZOOMS/additional information, etc.

    -Please keep the thread on topic - baby and postpartum chat ONLY. If you want to talk about other topics, please feel free to connect and text others in the group individually.

    -Discussions about politics, religion, etc. within the group text is strictly prohibited. If you have a question about if a topic is appropriate, please ask me.

    -Report activity to me immediately if you see or hear any of the above mentioned OR if you see derogatory terms, racial slurs, or inappropriate comments. If you are unable to abide by the group rules, we have the right to dismiss you from the group immediately without refund.

    · Turn OFF or silence push notifications (the last thing you need is a constant string of texts coming through all day!). It is understandable that some of you will want to commiserate in the middle of the night - but please respect the group rule that we won’t send texts between midnight and 7 am CST.

    · The conversations that we have within our text chain are private. You must keep all personal information and/or photos about other babies and lives in the group private.

  • The support group text thread is an amazing place for you to ask each other questions and get immediate feedback.

  • We’ll be exploring evidence based practices regarding sleep and will work together to find the best support system for your family. However, if you need more guidance, contact me directly and I can give you 20% off available sleep support.

  • At this time, there isn’t a structured group for older baby’s but if you are interested, I would be happy to put one together - let me know on instagram in the DMs what age group you’re looking for!

The Details…

Thriving Mamas is open to moms with babies 4-6 months of age.

Community + Support + Education

What’s Included

You’ll be in a group of 10-15 Mamas (we keep it small and intimate on purpose). You’ll communicate through a free Mobile App.

Pre-recorded video lessons each day and live conversations prompted by Ali in the Group Chat. Topics include:

Unpacking birth stories

How to parent your baby based on their unique temperament (with a link to take the Baby Temperament Quiz).

Sleep Foundations and Troubleshooting

Group Supportive Sleep Training solutions

Starting solids, foods and emergency response

Perinatal Mood Disorders

Navigating partnerships + family

Infant Development overview

Breathwork, Movement and Stretching with Materra Method.

+ So much more…there’s always room for daily conversations within your group. If you have a question, you can post at any time.

Your Investment


Ready to join?

Join the next Thriving Mamas group